My tryst with hacking a Zoom MS-70CDR - Part 2

Making something is one thing, making it unique is another thing altogether .. but making that usable after the lightning strike of an idea is something nice and the feeling of doing that is something indescribable.
That indescribable thing is what I am writing about.
After making the MIDI controller for the MS70CDR, I found out that, though it worked like I wanted it to, it was not practical to use it live. And so I set about making that smaller / compact to set it on a pedal board...
There was no sense making to too small, where the foot switches cannot be used without interfering between themselves.. and also there needs to be a USB shield along with the the Arduino...
So I split the two.. make the Arduino UNO + USB shield into one small box and then make the foot switches into another one.
This is the brains unit (Arduino UNO + USB shield)
I took a simple Hammond 1590 box. Added a 15 pin D type connector (to connect the foot switch box) and made provisions for the USB cable (to the 70CDR), a simple power connector and a big enough hole to plug an USB cable (to connect a computer to program if a need arises),
This task looks simple but it drove me crazy to get this snugly fit inside).

And now for the foot switch thingy....
I found a nice box ideal for something like this when I was Japan...
I then made the necessary measurements, drilled marker holes and then used a reamer tool  to get the holes of the size I wanted (this tool called the reamer tool, is such a blessing I tell you, wondered how I got along with out having this []).
Once the mounting of the switches, LED's and connectors were done, then began the painful work of soldering all of them. At the end .. it came out sweet...

And now for the final thing...


Popfan said…
Hi Lawrence, nice work. I've commented on youtube, but perhaps you can't answer there.
Based on your solution i've made a similar switch for MS-50G.But I have some issues: I can use only the pins from 2 to 6, all the others seem to be used by the host shield, some are always high, some always low, so I can't control LEDs. (I use 6 input switches). Have you experienced similar problems? I can see, that you are using 5 switches and 6 LEDs.
Thanks, Attila
Lawrence Doss said…
Popfan, I use the analog pins. To see how it can be done, see -
Unknown said…
Great job and very creative! Could you please send me the schematics and codes to my email? or .Thanks in advance and keep up the good work.
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence:

could it be possible to have a complete list of parts to build this? A friend of mine is up to the task but we need a parts list. Thanks again! Perry
Unknown said…
Hi Lawence:

is it possible to see or get a schematic of the breadboard and the resistors used, etc?


Lawrence Doss said…
Perry Navaro - I think I have sent you the schematics and in that you should have the list of components. If you have not received the schematics, please send me an email to lawrenceadossyahoocom
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence,
Nice job, can you send schematic and code?
thank you!
Philos said…
Hi, this is nice!

could you send the schematic and code?

Hi Lawrence,
Did you ever get any other midi messages to respond, but for the program/bank changes? I was so hoping that ZOOM would respond to parameter value changes...
ps - I am still waiting for the code/schematics....
Lawrence Doss said…
Aubrey Kloppers aka cyber7..
Please msg me your mail address..
Hi, my email address is:
Hi, Lawrence.
Really nice what you got here, congrats.
Any possibility to send me the schematics and codes?
Thank you anyway!
My email:
Vanderson said…
Hey Lawrence!
Great work! Could you please send me the project schematic and code?

Many thanks!

Cheers, Vanderson
Unknown said…
Hi, Lawrence.
Awesome work! Could you please send me the schematics and codes?
Lawrence Doss said…
Have sent the code and the schematics...
Unknown said…
I enjoyed the project, found it very interesting for use in MS70CDR.
You could send the Schematic?

My E-mail is:

Thank you.
DarkMod said…
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Hi Lawrence!
I'm very happy to find you.
I am asking a question . This is compatible with the new A3 Zoom ?
If yes, my e-mail, for code and schematics, is :

Thank you for your work.
Lawrence Doss said…
Have sent the code to Joveniano Souza and GuembriChaabi974.
And - GuembriChaabi974 - Yes it does work with the Zoom A3. I have tested it.
Britton Brandy said…
Good day sir

Can you send me the code and schematic for this zoom cdr mod to ?
thank you and God bless

Best regards,
vk5la said…
Hi, this is great!
Could you please send schematics and code to
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence!
I recently bought a Zoom and realized how uncomfortable without the full controller. Your idea and work is simply gorgeous! I'll be very grateful if you send me m the schematics and codes.

Thank you

my email
nick said…

Can you please send the code and schematics
Unknown said…
This looks awesome!
I recently bought a MS60B and would like to do this for it.

Is it possible to send me the schematics and parts list :)?
My email is:

God Bless!
andrew said…
would you be willing to send me any code or links for this? i'm actually pretty fluent in arduino and just got an MS-50G, and i want to see if i can midi-ify it as well. thanks!

Unknown said…
Hey there... great work you've done here! Would you please send me the schematics and code ( I would also like the same for your G3X project as well!)

Martijn said…
Hi Lawrence,

inspiring project. I'm trying to make the same box for inbetween my CDR and my looper/switcher. Just a bit smaller by using a arduino pro mini.

any chance you could send me the sketch?
Unknown said…
Hi! This looks awesome, and Id like to build one for my CDR, with an arduino MEGA adk! Could you please send me the sketch/schematic?

Thanks a lot!
Mr. Bronson said…
Hi, Lawrence, could you send me the info to make this?
Thanks a lot.
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence - found your work and comments on the Zoom MS 70 CDR and the GX3 fascinating. I would really appreciate it if you could send me the code and schematics for the foot pedal for the MS 70 CDR program changer - please send to That would help me big time.

Thanks so much and keep up the great work you are doing


Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence
It's a very good job.
I have a zoom too.
Can you send me the schematic and code for arduino at :
Thank you so much !!
Unknown said…
lawrence...I am not much of a builder....would you be building these to sell in the future?
Lawrence Doss said…
Bruce - I just don't have the time to build this for others.. I am sorry
Unknown said…
Hello i was hoping to get the bill of materials, the schematice and the arduino code for this project! Thank you! my email is Thanks!
Lawrence Doss said…
Have sent this out to everyone who have asked and left the email address'. Please join the forum and share your projects would love to see what you have done.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence, nice, can you please send me also the code and schematics?
Thank you!
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence, nice, can you please send me also the code and schematics?
Thank you!
Unknown said…
Hi! Nice work Lawrence, im looking to do the same with my MS70CDR, can you please send me the code and schematics?

Thank you!
Unknown said…
can you please send me the code and schematics?
my email :

thank you!
Unknown said…
Hi, Lawrence

great job on the controller, would love to make one. Can you please send me the full code and schematics for this?


thanks so much!
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence! Great job. Would you be so kind to send me some material to build my own midi ctrl (schematics & sources)? My email is:
Unknown said…
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This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Hi Sir Lawrence!, I was amazed on how you did the controller of the zoom stomp. I'm a little fond of electronics and such so I want and love to build this kind of controller to my zoom! Sir Lawrence if you would so kindly share your schematics and the source code of your masterpiece please send it to my email:

This would be much appreciated! Thank you!
finders_keepers said…
hi Lawrence, very good idea!
can you send me the schematics and the source code to
i am a zoom maniac guitarist

thank you!
Yeash said…
Hey Lawrence, amazing Job. I wanna do something similar unsing Teensy (arduino code compatible) and would be very thanful if you could share your code with me:

Thank you so much!

> said…
Lawrence Doss very good, extraordinary work, could send me the schemas and the source code for my email:, thank you for your great work.
markus said…
Hello Lawrence!

I have the ms-70 and when I stumbled upon this blogpost of yours on how you made an external controller for it, that really got me exited, truly great work!

So of course I very much hope you would like to send schematics and code for me also...

Thank you so much!

babel2se said…
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babel2se said…
hi Lawrence, very very good idea!
Would you send me the schematics and the source code to
Thank you so much!
Unknown said…
Parabéns pelo projeto, gostei muito!
Poderia me enviar o esquema e o código para
Desde já agradeço.
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence, i saw your video on youtube. You've done a great job and i'm very interested to build the footswitch on my own. Would you please send me the schematic and code to thank you
Hello Friend ! Could you send me the files for recording on Arduino? because I am not able to record, of the error when recording. I think there may be missing some archi file. ou

Alx said…
Hi friend great work! you can share te code?? thanks!!
Unknown said…
Hi, would be great if you can send me the code and schematics :
Unknown said…
Hi,im from Manila, Philippines... im interested in this for my ms70cdr...can it do left/right on a patch to select an effect on a patch?
Lawrence Doss said…
Jaycee Pe, you cannot do that....
Guitarvicio said…
Hello Lawrence,

a few days ago I sent here in the forum a request of the arduino code to construct the controller of the pedal Zoom MS70cdr but I did not obtain answer. Would it be possible for you to send me the code so I try to make an equal controller to use on my pedal ??

my email for sending the arduino code ...

Thanks in advance for your attention

Fred Melo
Hector said…
Hello Lawrence!

I was thinking of building a controller for myself, but trying to enable all the effects in a patch individually.

By any chance is it possible for you to share your code

This is my email

Great blog man!
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence

Great job! Can you share schematics and code please?
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence,

best project, great job! Can you share code with me please? :D

very very thanks!
JRod said…
Hi Lawrence,

Working on similar project! Can you share the code please?

gmarin said…
Hola Lawrence,

impresionante trabajo, me podría compartir el código y la lista de componentes.

mi mail es:

Muchas gracias de antemano!.

Alexandr Kozlov said…

Could you please send the code and schematics
SB said…

I've been trying to make my build work for a long time now and have had no luck. It looks like you might be able to help!

Could you please send me the schematics and Arduino code?

Thank you so much!
AdamM1970 said…
Hello could you please send me the schematics, parts list and arduino code?

Many thanks
Unknown said…
Oi! Bom trabalho Lawrence, estou procurando fazer o mesmo com o meu MS70CDR, você pode por favor me enviar o código e os esquemas?

Helton Mateus said…

good night. Could you please send me the schematic by email? Thanks
moi said…
great job, Lawrence .
is it able to switch on/off individual pedals in a patch?
Lawrence Doss said…
Its possible... but there is time gap and hence you would feel it slow response...
Cláudio Silva said…
Boa noite Lawrence! Poderia me enviar o esquema com as peças necessárias? Desde já agradeço.
Adriano said…
Hi Mr. Lawrence

I have a ms-60b, it sounds awesome but it kills me using it live, it just sucks for gigging. So, seeing your great work got me inspired in building the arduino controller. Would you kindly send me the schematics/ BOM to ? Best regards. Adriano
Unknown said…
Great job! Can you share schematics and code please?

Thank you!
dunkrukawa said…
Excelente trabajo!!!
tengo un pedal zoom m,s50g y hace un tiempo estoy tratando de hacer un controlador midi para este pedal...
Por favor, ¿podrías enviarme el código de arduino y el esuema que utilizaste?

Muchas gracias de antemano! y nuevamente...excelente trabajo!!!
Unknown said…
Hello Lawrence, it'd be a pleasure if you would contact me about the schematics and the code. I also have some questions about using different components.

Thank you very much!
Edo said…
so, theoritically we can access all 50 patch on Zoom MS, right? Can we implement more than 2 banks, so we can access more than 8 patch?
Da Matta said…
Hi Mr.Lawrence, I'm amazed by this project since the first time I saw it. It seems that you have unveiled a new horizon in the possibilities for this also amazing stompbox. I'm from Brazil and have found that some people here builds projects based on yours but unlike you, they don't share their improvements and knowledge, instead they only sell the finished controller. At least they mention your project as inspiration for their ones so I was able to know this blog. It's incredible and I will try to build my own controller based on your project and smaller improvemens, I'm a newbie on Arduino, midi, that technological stuff although I have basic knowledge and practice with electronics so I wish to ask if you can mail me with the schematics or information about your project.
Also really thank you to show that things that already are good can be even better if we put our work and knowledge to improve it.
Da Matta said…
Of course, my email
rahayu said…
Hi Mr. Lawrence...
Can you share schematics and code please?

Thank you very much!
Astolpho said…
Hi Mr. Lawrence,

Beautiful work !!

I recently bought an ms70 and would like to implement this wonder of yours.

Can I get your project's bill of materials, schema and Arduino code please?

Thank you, my friend!

my email is


Unknown said…
Please code and schema
Rafael Abrants said…
Me envie o código
Dês de já muito obrigado
Unknown said…
Could you share schematics and code?

Thank you very much!
Unknown said…
Hi Laurence , Could I please have the code , I have been using this on my MS60B , very successful but unfortunately my 'duino died and I cant find the original code . Can I please have a copy ? Thanks

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