My tryst with hacking a Zoom MS-70CDR

You feel like kicking yourself when you know you have a great piece of equipment, with the most amazing sounds but the usability is downright hard...KICK KICK KICK
I picked up the Zoom-MS70CDR and instantly fell in love with it.. the sheer size of it,  for that much amount of power is actually insane... it is so small that it snugly fits in to any small sized pedal board. But the only draw back of this device is the usability.. it is not very good to say the least..
I wrote to Zoom and asked them if they plan to change anything about the usability, I gave them some suggestions too, but they came back with ..

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your suggestion.

We do not want a price boost by the increase in functions and the chips for the converter. Anyway your opinion has been noted. We will forward your email to person in charge for future reference.
Sincerely yours,

ZOOM Corporation <<

I kinda felt.. okkkkkkkkkk... I understand..
Being the electronics freak, I wondered, can I hack this little unit...  :)  the mere thought brought a smile....
So began my tryst....
I first tried a bunch of things and then when I read their manual. it said something like the USB port can be used only for upgrading the firmware...I thought if there could be someway that the unit can respond to something.. I tried various things but then I found out it was responding to MIDI..ah .. Now things got a little interesting... I connected my laptop and started sending in MIDI messages to see, if they respond to something (the old hacking trick) and then it did.. I jumped off my seat... All I had to do was to see what MIDI signals to send to get the unit to do what I want...
The rest was pretty simple (at least to write it down.. :) )
I noted down what midi messages that I should send and then dusted off my trusty old Arduino...(, started coding and with some help from the giants in Arduino, MIDI and USB.. I was all set..

Some notable people that I want to acknowledge are (they  shared their libraries)
(Oleg Mazurov -
(Yuuichi Akagawa - )
(Kristian Lauszus -

Project details:
Description / goal
Control the patches in the 70 CDR via a foot controller.
In the 70 CDR if you have for e.g. 6 patches... you need to go from 1, 2, 3, .....6, 1...
What I wanted is have a foot controller with like 4 switches to choose 4 patches.. and one bank switch to choose between 2 banks (giving me 8 patch switching with 2 foot presses)
I also wanted to disengage a patch and make it bypassed if needed.

Rough idea
Have 4 N/O switches for patch selection (I have used some cheap switches that I get a hold off.. I am yet to get my metal switches.
Have 1 DPDT latching switch for bank select
Press the patch switch to enable the required patch and when pressed again, it should be in bypass mode. (like any other analogue pedal)
When choosing the patch, you check the bank switch and choose a patch based on that...
Have LED indicators to indicate whether you are on BANK A or BANK B and corresponding PATCH LED (ON- When engaged and OFF - When disengaged)

Components used:
1. Arduino UNO (had to pick up a new one -
2. USB host shield (had to pick up new one -, the one that I bought from Bhashatech, did not quite work here)
3. All other hardware's like switches, LEDs, wires, connectors, etc



jairo said…
Good job.
I have a zoom too.
Can you send me the schematic and code for arduino at :
Thank you so much !!!
Hi there, I'm looking to expand my Zoom ms70cdr's functionality we well. Could I have the schematic and source code sent to me? thanks!
Unknown said…

Would you send me the schematic and source code for the midi controller? I have a Zoom MS-70.

Unknown said…
Sorry. My email is for that schematic and code request.

Unknown said…
hello Lawrence, came across your youtube vid of the example of controlling the awesome zoom cdr-70. good job, never thought it could be done. Good Job!

Could you send me your sketch of doing the midi controller to Thanks!

Unknown said…
code and schematic please?
tysondude said…
That's excellent. I assume then that it's possible to send any kind of midi program change if you generate the code accordingly. Is that true?
Unknown said…
Hello from France,
Could you send me your schematic and code at :

thanks and very good job
Unknown said…
Hi! Very good job on this, congratulations!

I have a MS50-G and would like to try something like this on it... would you please send me the schematic and code for Arduino? My email is

Thanks in advance!
Bob said…
Hi Lawrence,

You read my mind regarding more control of the CDR and this is awesome! I'd love for you to share your schematic and source code if possible. Don't know if I can pull it off, but I'd sure like to give it a try.


Brandon Li said…
Amazing! If you can share your code, please send it to me at
Lawrence Doss said…
I guess, I have replied to all.. if I have missed out someone please get back to me... I would love it if you can post some pics / other stuff that you guys did based on this...
Lawrence Doss said…
tysondude - You are right
Unknown said…
I don't see the schematic anywhere, Lawrence :(
AC_Slater said…
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AC_Slater said…
Schematic and code please?
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence! Thanks for sending me the MIDI pedal schematics!
Unknown said…
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tysondude said…
Me too please!
Brandon Li said…
Thanks for the code, Lawrence!

What other functions on the CDR have you tried to control via MIDI besides changing patches?

Can tap tempo be controlled via MIDI?
Brandon Li said…
Thanks for the code, Lawrence!

What other functions on the CDR have you tried to control via MIDI besides changing patches?

Can tap tempo be controlled via MIDI?
Lawrence Doss said…
Brandon, I started off with the tempo control via MIDI .. but that is on hold now and I am working on another project...
tysondude said…
Would someone mind sending me the files?

Unknown said…
I dont get it. No files? ;(

Lawrence replies but we never see schematics.

Unknown said…
Hello, such a good job!! It's what I need. Would you send me please the schematic and code for arduino at
I beg you. Otherwise tell me if you can build one and sell it to me, I'll paid you in advance, of course.
thanks in advance.
Julio Barbosa said…
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hardrubbish said…
Oh Lawrence. You legend!
I've been hoping to find people looking around for ways to get deeper into the Zoom MS pedals. They're such great pedals.
And hopefully you get some time again to look more into tempo. I'm hoping to control tempo across several pedals at once. And perhaps even regardless of the menu/screen mode the pedals are in. Fingers crossed to you!
Kecco said…
Hi, you Made it! Is it still possible to have code and schematics? Email:
Thank you!
angel said…
Please the squeme
Thank you
MatiasV said…
You are a genius!!
Please send me the schematic!
Unknown said…
Awesome build! I had my own experience building an interface for devices like these.

I used a PIC Micro controller for my project, instead of an arduino board.

Can i ask what software you used to test out MIDI messages that work? Thanks!
Unknown said…
This is a really great mod for great expandabilities, can I have the schematic too?
Thanks alot!
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Thats brilliant! I would love to have the schematic and code, and would appreciate if you could send them to me to
Music Man said…
Hi Lawrence
I have the Zoom MS70-CDR and like you I am frustrated by the lack of patch access flexibility. I think what have done is brilliant. Can you please send schematic and code to That would be great.
Gila said…
Hi Lawrence,
can you please send me the code and the schem for you midi controller? I also have a zoom ms70 and it's a great pedal.
my email is gilaguitaz(at)hotmail(dot)com

thank you!
Lawrence Doss said…
Friends, am sorry for the delay. I have sent to all of you. If you have not got it, please get back to me and I will send it to you...
Lawrence Doss said…
Tom Carlo Tan - I used MIDIOX to check and validate what MIDI messages work and what I am sending etc...
Lawrence Doss said…
hardrubbish - As soon as I finish on what I am working on, I will focus on sending tempo :)
Popfan said…
Dear Lawrence, that's really great, I'll try to make something similar with MS50G, could you please send me the schematics and code to Many thanks, Attila
Steve said…
brilliant! code and schematic please! I want to try to integrate this with my HD500.
Unknown said…
Its great job.

Pls. send data to me

Thank you very much
Julio Barbosa said…
Thanks for sending in the code and schematics!
Still, I am way too unexperienced for figuring out the soldering points for the switches inside the pedal. Would there be any chance you could take a few pictures of the inside of your pedal?

Thanks once again!
Unknown said…
Would you please send me the schematics and code.


Unknown said…
Hello from japan,
Very good job on this, congratulations!
Could you send me your schematic and code at :

thanks and very good job
Unknown said…
Thank you for the code and schematics. I am planning on doing the controller in the near future. A friend promised to help me with the code part of it, and I am in the hardware mode. Hoping it will work out well, and I will let you know when it is ready.
leigh said…
Hi Lawrence

Very impressed with your device to make an already great pedal even better.

Could you please send a copy of the code and schematic to

Eduardo Ariel said…
Wow excellent dude, would you send me the shcematic and source code? i wanna build one of those :3 haha
My email is this:
Thanks in advance.
Brandon Li said…
Lawrence, thanks for the confirmation that tap tempo control exists via MIDI with this pedal. That was pretty much what I was looking for.

Can you tell me which MIDI message controls tempo function? Sorry, I'm not familiar with MIDI and arduino coding.
Unknown said…
Hey Lawrence, can I get a copy of the schematics and coding? Thanks!
Unknown said…
Hello from Greece,
Could you send me your schematic and code at
Great great job by the way
Avat@r said…
Hi could you send me a copy of the schematic and code for arduino as well?
Unknown said…
Could I get the schematic and codes as well please?
Clizzo said…
Good job Lawrence, could you please send me
Schematic and software ? Thanks a lot. Cheers
Banana Mango said…
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Unknown said…
nice job!

can you send me the sketch?
thank you.
Unknown said…
Great job...please send me the schematic to my email:
Unknown said…
Awesome! Kindly share the schematic diagram - thank you!
Email at :
Unknown said…
Hello, awesome mod! Can I get the schematic and source code? Thanks!
Unknown said…
I'd love to have this schematics too... very nice indeed.
grubby said…
I have the Zoom ms bt100 would this work for it too?
can u send me the shematics?
Unknown said…
Lawrence, a friend of mine that is building me the switch is asking for the breadboard schematic for the resistor values, etc. Can I have that?

Hello again...Would you send me the schematic and source code for the midi controller?Great job by the way... My email is
Emmanuel said…
Hi Lawrence,
Nice job, can you send schematic and code too ar my email.
thank you!
Riccardo Ballan said…
Great job!!It was days and days that i was serching something like this!
Should I have schematic and code for arduino?!it would be great!tks again
Lawrence Doss said…
Friends... I have sent the code and schematics to everyone. Kindly ping me at lawrenceadossyahoocom if you have not received it or need more help :)
Unknown said…
Hi lawrence..thanks for your sharing..
I just found one little problem..
Need to press one of the switch few times when powered on to make the contoller works with multieefect. Do you found any solution to this?
Unknown said…
hello from paris, fance. really really nice job! brillant idea! possible to get schematics and stuff to try to made one at home?
Unknown said…
hope i'll could make one myself! is it possible to get more than 4 swithe? i'll be hape with 10. best regards.
still looking for schematics and code, and instruction if any...
Popfan said…
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Popfan said…
Thanks for your material, I've managed to make my version with 6 switches for Zoom MS-50G, accessing 6 patches directly. It's working with Korg Pandora Stomp as well, and I suppose with Pandora mini too.

Some info here:
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence,
Nice job, can you send me schematic and code?
thank you!
Unknown said…
Can you please send me the schematic and code at: ? thanks!!
Unknown said…
hi can you send me the MIDI pedal schematics and code? thanks.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
fascinating stuff! very interested. Could please send me the code/schematics for my MS-70?
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Hi guys!

I have the schematic but I need the values for the ressistors, so I can go ahead an build this.

Please help!

Nono said…
Hi. Are you still actively developing this? Awesome work.

I just want to know which MIDI messages you send to the CDR. Are they MIDI CC?

Please reply to at Thanks.
Unknown said…
Hi there,

I just bought one zoom g1on, this is regognized as usb-midi dev, too, so there's hope for that one ,too :) Would you please share your findings with me?

By the way: G1on is sounding real nice, especially for the pricetag

My mail is

Unknown said…
hi, my name is Luke, I am a Brazilian guitarist and enjoyed your project. I would like to buy a foot for my ms70CDR zoom. Would you? Please answer me by email. LUCASK818@HOTMAIL.COM. There are many people wanting this foot here in Brazil. I am eagerly waiting for your reply. Thank you very much.
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence,
me too, me too!!!
Would you send me the schematic and source code for my MS-50G?

Thanks from Italy ;-)
fufurasu said…
Hi Lawrence, that's a great job! I would also love to have the code and schematics. Many thanks! -Orestes
Floyd Fernandes said…
Hi Lawrence that's an excellent initiative to hack the switching. Can you please send me the details of the schematic and code because I'm going cross eyed switching my MS50G which I presume will have the same parametric control/ My email is Thanks a million
SunHawk said…
Hi from Australia. I have just bought an MS70 CDR also and have seen your great design that would be really helpful. Could you please and me the specs and code for the unit to

Well done. Cheers

PS would you consider making another one for sale?
Lawrence Doss said…
Have sent the code to everyone who asked for it.
I am very sorry, I just don't have the time to make it for someone.
Rest of the answers are in the code itself.
PLEASE USE GOOGLE to get some basic stuff like values for resistors etc :)
Nono said…
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Unknown said…
respect Lawrence,
Can I ask you, if possible, to show me the connection diagram of the midi / usb Switcher device. I would be very grateful. It would really be helpful with my ZOOM 70cdr on stage. Best regards and wish you all the best in the hope that it will meet my request.

Slaven, email:
Philos said…
I use a midi controller/looper and would like to know what MIDI instrucions it receives. Could you tell me or send me the code to please? Thank you in advance!
Unknown said…
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Lawrence Doss said…
Guys follow me on twitter - I have some things that I am working on @Lawrence_Doss
Teaser - Tap tempo for the MS 70 CDR
Steve said…
my POD HD500 sends midi PC messages. Is it possible to use a USB midi adapter like the M-Audio Uno to send to the MS70? I realize you would need to change the USB connector and power the Uno... What do you think? Is that workable?
Please could you send be the schematics and build details? I have a MS-50G

Please could you also tell me what midi messages you were able to send? At this time I can only send BANK/PATCH changes to change the program numbers. Did you ever get to change the physical values of a program?
Any change in getting this?
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence, this is a great project that you've created. Would you please share your code for the Arduino? I have a Rocktron Midimate that I want to use with Usb, for Zoom gear.

Many thanks for your generosity in sharing your code!

Unknown said…
This is simply amazing!

Hey, Lawrence, could I get the info necessary to build one like yours?

My e-mail is

Thanks in advance!

Cheers from Brazil!
MOi said…
Hey, Lawrence!
Please, send me schematic
Unknown said…
Can you please send me the schematic and code? - thanks!
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence,

Would you send me the schematic and source code to me? For my ms-70
here's my email:

Thank you so much!
Unknown said…
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Lars said…
Hi Lawrence, brilliant.
Can you send me the schematic and code for arduino to

I have an MS-60B and want to try to adapt.

Thank you - thumbs up!
Unknown said…
Greetings from the Philippines!

I recently got my self a Zoom CDR and it rocks! Then i saw your video about your controller and then i bought an Arduino to replicate your project.
Can you please send the schematic and the programming code for this project?

Thank you and please continue your work with zoom cdr!
Anonymous said…
Hi, great job!
I would like to receive the code and schematic as well.

My email:

Do you think it would work with a Makey Makey? Which is an Arduino-based project.

Unknown said…
Hi! Very good job on this, congratulations!

I have a MS 70 CDR and would like to try something like this on it... would you please send me the schematic, code and tips?

My email is

Rat Raisin said…
Could you please send me a schematic and the code for the controller. Many thanks in advance.
t0m d34d said…

This is amazing
Please could you send me schematics and code to
I would love to make my own version.

Unknown said…
Wow great hack! I would love to own one. Would it be OK if you could send me the schematic and code for this project?

Thank you very much!
Unknown said…
Hey Lawrence,

Would love the schem and code too if it's still going :)

My email is charlesrwsale at gmail dot com

Thanks! :)))

Arnie said…
Hi Lawrence,

I appreciate your sending me the schematics and code as well: arnaldo dot ortega at gmail dot com.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Paul said…
Please send me the schematic and code too!! Thanks very much, awesome job! phamlin at gmail dot com!
Dimitri said…
Hi Lawrence, great work!!!Of course I wanna try! Can you send me schematics and code to ? Many, many thanks in advance!
Lawrence Doss said…
I have sent the code and schematics to everyone who have included their emails in the comments...
Unknown said…
Hi lawrence..
I'm italian so forgive my poor english.
Your midi controller for zoom MS70 CDR is great for me....a revolution.
With your midi controller I can resolve much problems....

Can I Have code and schematic?....
Thank you thank you thank you:)

Unknown said…
excuse e-mail is:

Thank you again
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence,

Such a great job! I am interested on building this controller but I do not know where wouId I start from. Could you please share schematic and code to


Pamaz said…
Hi Lawrence..

A big congrat for your ms70 switching system project!

May I Have code and schematic for it Pls?

My address is pamaz67(at)
Many thanks mate!

Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence.. Nice Project sir.. Very useful and helpful stuff.. May i have source code sir?
DarkMod said…
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Unknown said…
Can send to me?
Unknown said…
This is amazing
Please could you tell me where the schematics and code are uploaded to

Marcelo Diniz said…
This is really really amazing! I've been looking for something like this for months!

Hey, Lawrence, could I get the info necessary to build one like yours?

By the way, this trick works on MS 50g too?

My e-mail is

Thanks in advance!

Cheers from Brazil!
Hi friend!!!
Very , very nice project :)
Please, Can you send schematic and code for me?
Thanx =]
Unknown said…
Hi Sir,

may I have a copy of the build notes, like the schematic and codes? thanks!
Unknown said…
Great job! within that mod this little box functionality and usability increases a lot. Can you share the schematics? Can you please send me the reference documents and schematics to Thanks a lot!
Unknown said…
Hi Great Job Can you share the schematics? Can you please send me the documents and schematics to Thanks!
Unknown said…

Great job! Please, Can you send schematic and code for me?

My email is
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
finaly the job is done with the help of Lawrence and my friend jeckel hope it can help anyone.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Hello Lawrence!

Great job, Congratulations and thanks for share it with all people.

Can you send me the code and schematic Please?

My address is
Many many thanks!
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence

Kindly send your latest schematics for the MIDI foot controller to
Tales Medeiros said…
Hello Lawrence!

Great job, Congratulations and thanks for share it with all people.

Can you send me the code and schematic Please?

My address is
Many many thanks!
Unknown said…

Great job! Please, Can you send schematic and code for me?

My email is
Unknown said…
Hi sir! You did a very cool job!
Also watch some of your videos.
Can you share instructions, schematics and codes on how to make this to
Thanks in advance!
Unknown said…
Good Day Sir

I still have not recieved the schematics and codes. My email address is

Lawrence Doss said…
Have sent the code and schematics to all who have left their mail address here. Please also register to my form at
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence,

Can you email me the code + schematic?

Also, do you mind telling me which specific part of the code can activate the tuner?

Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence

I am looking for a Zoom MS-50G mod build, and I will pay you for your time and help if you can do it. We can use the escrow at

I am looking to use an external footswitch to turn the Zoom off, and to turn on multiple effects pedals, and then turn these effect pedals back off and the Zoom back on.

To turn the Zoom off, you need to navigate to one of the 'empty' patches, rather than cutting the power to the Zoom.

So on the first button press - the Zoom would turn to an 'empty' patch, and a Tube Screamer and (or) other FX pedals turn on - and on the second button press, the other FX pedals would turn off, and the Zoom turn back on to a patch.

Let me know what you think,

Thanks, and best regards,

musomuso (at) hotmail dot co dot uk

Britton Brandy said…
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Britton Brandy said…
Good day sir

Can you send me the codes and schematics for this zoom CDR mod to ? thank you and God bless

Best Regards
vk5la said…
Hi there, very nice project indeed!
Could you please send the schematic and code to
That would be very much appreciated.
Unknown said…
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Fixit said…
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Unknown said…
Anyway I could have one of these built for me to use at my church. I have a CDR as well and this would be such a blessing.

Pastor Bob
Unknown said…
Schematic and code please?

Do you know how control de tap tempo?
Lawrence Doss said…
I have sent the codes and schematic to all who have left their mail id's... please do send me some pics if you have finished a successful build.
Unknown said…
Such a nice work!! I saw your work last year when I first got my 70CDR. Now I am finally trying to build a midi controller too!
Could you sen me the codes and schematics?
my e-mail:
Thank you so much for your help!
Unknown said…
I'm from Hungary, and inerested in your project. I purchased a 70CDR yesterday. I'd like to make a foot controller for it. Previous I've made an arduino based conroller for my Damage Control Glass Nexus. So, if you share the shematic and the source codes, I'd try this. My mail address is: Thanks in advance.
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence,

thank you for your response on YouTube. Please send the instructions for the midi foot controller for the Zoom MS70 CDR. Thank you very much!!

Unknown said…
Hi Lawrance
Could you send me schematics?
Apollo said…
Hi Lawrance
great works!
Could you send me schematics please?

Here my adress:

Best Regards!
Unknown said…
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ogikloavailable said…
Hi Lawrence,
It's really a great work! I'm a newbie on arduino thing but i'd like to try it! Please send me the schematic and codes to if you don't mind.

Unknown said…
Hey Lawrence,

You should commercialize these midi pedalboards based on the replies to this post you would be rich by now, congratulations! you're awesome!
Could you send me your schematic and code please at:
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence,
Are you able to send me a list of what midi CC's do what? I am looking at seeing if my 70CDR can be controlled by my Line 6 FBV shortboard.

Thank you for your work,
Unknown said…
Amazing work youre doing! Could you send me schematics for the midi pedal? Would be appreciated!
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said…
Please could you send be the schematics and code ?


Lawrence Doss said…
I have sent the codes and schematic to all who have left their mail id's... please do send me some pics if you have finished a successful build.
Also if you can register to my FORUM we can help each other...
Unknown said…
I just got this pedal and would LOVE to be able to use a switcher like yours! Any chance you can email me the schematic and things I'd need to build this to If greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your work to make this happen.
Unknown said…
You are a legend Lawrence, thanks so much for rhe schematic


frankencat said…
Can you please send me the code and schematic? Thank you very much!
Unknown said…
Good day sir

Can you send me the codes and schematics for zoom ms 70 CDR mod to ? thanks and God bless

Marcos said…
Please the squeme.
Unknown said…
hi, good job . is possible send me scheme and arduino code ? thanks
MJG said…
Would love to have the code and schematics for this. Excellent work sir.
satrologija said…
many thanks if you can send the code and schematics.
Vere Follie said…
Hi, can you give me the schematics? Is it possible in your opinion try to make the same works with a raspberry pi2?
ADC said…
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ADC said…
Hi, wonderful project!!!
Can you please send me the details?
Thank you very much!
angel said…
Razel said…
Fantastic hack, Lawrence. Thanks for sharing.

Could you please send me the info so I can build one ?

P.S. I'm using someone's account (with permission) to leave this company because I don't have or want a Google account.
Razel said…
I meant comment, not company.
HB said…
Hy Lawrence,
It's Hubert from France! Congratulations for this tremendous idea: That's sooo great!!!!
So... Like so others, I rencently bought a MS70CDR pedal. Great stereo unit! But... fewer controls. Could you please send me informations so that I could build my own? It will be my first arduino project... Hopes & fears ;-)
Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence, I'm Ferry from Indonesia.

Could you please send me the schematics ? I think this would be great for live playing.

My email is
Thanks a lot lawrence!
Unknown said…
Hello Lawrence, You're a genius!!!
Please send me the schematics and instructions, I really like this zoom unit but it is not possible to use it live because I can't change patches. Please help me.
Unknown said…
This is amazing Lawrence, increase if not more up 300% the pedal utility.
Can be used this with another zoom´s MS ?
can you send me the schematics and instructions? please

Thanks for discover it
Unknown said…
This a great way to control Zoom . I used this amazing setup on my Zoom MS-60B with great success.

Great work
Unknown said…

hello , I would like if possible to send me the project , thank you
Unknown said…
Awesome project!!
Could I have the schematic and source code sent to me?

Thank you!!
Unknown said…
Hi! Excellent job, congratulations!

I have a MS-70CDR and would like to build a midi controller too. Please, Could you send me the schematic and code for Arduino? My email is

Thanks very much!
Unknown said…
Lawrence hasn't replied yet. Do you have the schematic too ? Is it possible to send it to me ? My email is thanks a lot
Tea Rocks said…
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Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence

Nice project keen of doing the same thinng gor my ms 60b
Can help me send the schematic and arduino code

Cheers bro more power
Unknown said…
Hi sir. Excellent job, congratulations!
I have a MS-70CDR and would like to build a midi controller too. Please, Could you send me the schematic and code for Arduino? My email is
Unknown said…
That is a excellent job!! I would be verry gratefull if you could send me scematics and code. Will it work on a ZOOM MS-50G.

Please please send schematics and code, my mail is:

Thank you so so so much!!!!!!
Olá poderia enviar o esquema para meu e-mail.
Olá poderia enviar o esquema para meu e-mail.
Unknown said…
Hey may I also have the coed and schematic for this awesome hack? I never thought this would be possible with my zoom unit! Thank you!
Lawrence Doss said…
I have sent the codes and schematic to all who have left their mail id's... please do send me some pics if you have finished a successful build.
Also if you can register to my FORUM we can help each other...
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Hi Lawrence,
can you please send me the code and the schem for you midi controller? My email is
socialogged said…

great job, could you please send me code and schematics? Thanks a lot!
Unknown said…

Dunno if you're still around, but if it is possible to you, could you please send my the project details for a homebrew building? I own a arduino micro, would it work anyway?

Thx a lot!
Unknown said…
Good day! I am interested in making a handy dandy rig using my Zoom MS-50 and a midi controller. Can you send a copy of the schematics and the code to me. It will be for my personal consumption and will not be used for commercial purposes. Thanks! Looking forward to hearing from you!
windows95 said…
Hi Lawrence, I'm really interested in doing this project. Can you send me the code and schematics? Thanks in advance

Heres my email -
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