My tryst with acoustic panels

Things you need (for 7 Panels) 1. Ply wood – 12 mm – 6 ft X 4 ft = Rs. 900.00 2. Labor charges to cut them into 3 inches slabs = Rs. 300.00 3. Metal “L” clamps to make frame = 2” X 2” - 56 nos @ Rs. 5 each = Rs. 310.00 4. Screws – “4 X 20” – CSK - 224 nos = Rs 200.00 5. Fabric – behind the panels – 9 Meters @ Rs 40 per meter = Rs. 360.00 6. Fabric - Front panel – 11 meters @ Rs 100 per meter = Rs. 1100.00 7. Small metal L clamps to make hanger = 14 nos @ Rs 5 each = Rs. 60.00 8. Misc. nails and screws = Rs. 100.00 9. Rock wool = 50mm thick – 64 Kg density = Rs. 2000.00 (inclusive of Rs. 500 – transportation) Tools that you need 1. Screw driver 2. Drill with the right sized bits 3. Hammer 4. Scissors 5. Measuring tape 6. Pencil 7. ...