My continued tryst with the Zoom G3X

My fascination with this little tiny piece of gear seems to be increasing by the day… My latest (at least for this blog) has been this and like before – “make it more usable and easy to use” and so I looked at what else (apart from what I have done previously – “MIDI controller”) is there to be done. And lo and behold there was still a couple of things that could be done. This idea of course was borrowed from Ashbass ( I have pretty much done the same mods that Ashbass has done but have only changed the locations and did not do the Patch select mods since I am already using the Arduino based MIDI controller for selecting the 8 predefined patches. With these mods I can also now do the following 1. Tap tempo 2. Scroll left and right & 3. Start and Stop Rhythm Now how cool is that… J