My tryst with a Arduino based control surface (like Korg Nano Kontrol)

Tryst of being a recording artist + sound engineer + song writer + guitar tech + pedal builder + electronics geek + Praise and worship team member + etc + etc One of the many things that you want to do in the little time you get (make) in between being a full time husband, full time father and a full time employee at a MNC is making those hours / minutes count… make it matter as they in my company… I have been enamored with this concept of making things as simple as it gets (KISS – keep it simple stupid – popularly known). Coming to the point… This is in context of having something recorded… like a song idea or something like a demo. One of the pains of doing this recording thingy alone is this... You need to click something on the computer and quickly get yourself setup in front of the mic and / or position your guitar correctly in front of the mic and the problem gets compounded if you are going to be playing the guitar and singing… Was wondering if there was somethin...