My tryst with hacking a Zoom MS-70CDR - Part 2

Making something is one thing, making it unique is another thing altogether .. but making that usable after the lightning strike of an idea is something nice and the feeling of doing that is something indescribable. That indescribable thing is what I am writing about. After making the MIDI controller for the MS70CDR, I found out that, though it worked like I wanted it to, it was not practical to use it live. And so I set about making that smaller / compact to set it on a pedal board... There was no sense making to too small, where the foot switches cannot be used without interfering between themselves.. and also there needs to be a USB shield along with the the Arduino... So I split the two.. make the Arduino UNO + USB shield into one small box and then make the foot switches into another one. This is the brains unit (Arduino UNO + USB shield) I took a simple Hammond 1590 box. Added a 15 pin D type connector (to connect the foot switch box) and made provisions for the USB cable ...